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dimanche 7 septembre 2014

Strangest Places in the World -2-

   The integration between the worlds of reality and fantasy; dwarfs defy racism systematic and reside Kingdom legendary Thtweina, and the city Jen Turkish keep us confident Architecture and Life of primary, dig Amazigh Berber populated and human life, add the Andalusian town engraved rocks of a mountain overlooking the River Rio Trejo, and the island of brides like island ghosts.

Derankoiyo (City Gin), Turkey | Innovation Summit, underground

 City found by chance during the renewal of building a house in the county Derankokio in Turkey in 1963, consists of 11 layer reaches a depth of 85 meters, and can accommodate up to 50 thousand people, and the match built strength and marvel construction Pharaonic according to the estimate archaeologists and back building applied first to in 1400 AD; vents containing the city was shut down by rocks weighing 500 kg to prevent the entry of enemies, corridors and tunnels of up to 8 meters connecting cities to each other. This city is also on the 52 wells, and the river, and the rooms and school stores and wine and olive oil presses and stables, kitchens and church is still used by the dark walls.


Inheritance of the people of the city myth that Gin has built this city thousands of years ago, and abandoned and will return to it someday, and when the discovery of this city did not believe what she saw Turks their eyes, but they insisted that they are not human beings by the jinn, and they called the city of gin.

Do not want to trip?

Source: Google + batuta

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