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samedi 13 septembre 2014

Red beach

 Red beach Bingen in China

     Red beach (Chinese: 红 海滩), located in the province of the beach (大洼县), Panjin (盘锦 市), Liaoning, China, and the beach is known for landscapes that distinguish Balllon Red (碱蓬 草). It is based on this as one of the largest land and wetland reed swamps in the world. There are shallow seas and land tides.

     The beach is located in the Red River Delta region, Liaohe, the extension of about 30 kilometers southwest of Panjin City in China. Based on the beach called his appearance, which is caused by a type of seaweed that flourishes in the saline-alkali soil. Herbs that begin to grow during the month of April or May and that remain green during the summer. In the fall, these turn out to weed flaming red color, and it seems as if the beach was covered by a red carpet and see the extent of the scene with the rare sight of the Red Sea. Most of the Red Beach is a nature reserve and closed to the public. There are places for only a small section, is open to tourists.


     There are species that are called Sueda, one of the few species of grasses that can live in extreme alkaline soil. Growth cycle begins in April when reciting to a red light, while the color of the species is mature with a deep red color.

Nature protection area

     Panjin is Shuangtaizi River mouth to the protection of nature at the state level (盘锦 双 台子 河口 自然保护区) maintains an area on the ecosystem and the most full and most of the wet lands in the world. Where more than 260 species of birds and 399 species of wild animals. He was promoted to the nature protection zone at the level of the International in 1988 and applied for accession to the person with the international network of biosphere reserve.

The surrounding area

     The largest cane marshes also here in Asia, attracting many of the cane, which is used to attract tourism. Karin also reproduces here as Red is also the largest area for breeding gull endangered black mouth.

     Panjin (Simplified Chinese: 盘锦; Traditional Chinese: 盘锦, Pinyin: Pánjǐn) is a county-level city and the main oil production center in Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China, located on the northern coast of the Liaodong Bay of Bohai Bay. It lies on the border of Anshan to the north-east and east, Yingkou across the Liao River, as well as the Jinzhou to the west and north-west. The city has an area of administrative 4,071 square kilometers (1,572 square miles), and includes the 1.39 million people in all built-up area and made ​​of two Houdareeten addition to calling for the provinces and Panshan being attended.

     The most important key places in Panjin, include:
Shuangtaihekou Natural State Reserve, and swamps that serves as a natural habitat to 321 species of animals. It also serves as one of the few fertile soil for birds such as the endangered red-crowned crane and Saunders' Gull. Millions of birds estimated 172 different species that depend upon the area during their migration, including more than 20 type of endangered species such as the crowned crane red, Crane Demoiselle, stork and white stork, black, goose, white swan whooper, and Baz brown.

Source : Google , almrsal , Asma Saad Eddin

Green sand beach

Green sand beach. . .

     Green sand beach is located in the southwestern tip of the island of Hawaii. Characterized by rows of green olivine sand resulting from polycrystalline green. In fact, the green sand beach itself is a place inside the cone. It has three aspects of the cone, which still exist, with the ocean coming from the eastern end. Imagine swimming in the old cinder cone volcano with green sand.

     In the face of the white sand beach or black sand, and perhaps in the face of things in common. In Hawaii, there is a beach with green sand, which you can enjoy your vacation in Hawaii, with a visit to the beaches and take a handful of sand memorial unique.

     So-called green sand beach Papakolea Beach, and in the area of ​​Ka'u, Hawaii. 49,000 years ago, a volcano erupted it spewed ash and sand green unique. Green color comes from the rock fragments, called olivine crystals in the mountain.

     Green sand is the result of a combination of ash and lava and debris olivine crystals. Between citizens, olivine and known as the "Diamond of Hawaii." Despite the presence of sand on the beach Papakolea derived from non-flake crystal Olovine, but the advantage of the beauty of this beach.

     It is not easy to reach this beach. And that surrounds his rocks that can Ttzlgaha. You prepare the best sandals for rock climbing very difficult. But not to worry, because the rock found on dry land, and non-sliding.

     Results climb will make you sweat at the sight of the beauty and uniqueness of the beach Papakolea. And who enjoys his offer for the waves of sand colored green. Indulge your eyes to stare into the clear blue sea and sand rocks such as olive green and brown.

     Green sand, on the beach Papakolea, not a green permanent. Because the future of green olivine crystals may fade, but not in the near future. You visited the beach Papakolea, to feel different sensations to enjoy the beach in Hawaii.

Source : Google , almrsal , Asma Saad Eddin

Strange shores in Europe

Strange shores in Europe

     Contain Europe on the shores of a strange and attractive, well worth a visit. Starting from the coast of the Ionian Sea in Albania until the island off the coast of Germany. Here are some of the exotic beaches with beautiful scenery in Europe.

1. The island of Sylt, Germany

Imagine living in a straw hut on a sandy along the 40 kilometers, with the head to the north of the island in Germany. Even in the busy season, you'll be able to find peace on the beach. Slate Island is one of the most beautiful villages on the island Keitum 11, has a Frisian-style hut. You can rent bicycles to explore and visit Istrland, the main town on the island. To eat, but the problem is, on the island of Sylt its proximity to a few restaurants.

2. Safety, Vila do Bispo, Portugal

It is a quiet fishing village on the southern tip of the western Algarve. Located between the Portuguese and Lagos, in a national park Costa Vincentena, safety is a collection of houses arranged by the crossbar on a sandy beach. In safety, you can rent a room from the locals, visiting the city and the morning market, and exploring the coast and the neighboring villages such as Borgo beautiful. If you visit Cape Portugal to watch the sunset while he can receive the locals for fishing lines on the edge of the abyss.


3. Bay of Kotor, Montenegro

With nearly 200 kilometers of coastline, along with fortified cities in the Middle Ages, the Montenegro is the hidden treasure of the Ring. Of the Bay of Kotor which is not really a bay in the true sense, but such straits and the Strait of four connected and surrounded by cliffs. You must visit the main town, Kotar as a quiet fishing villages on the coast, such as Orahovac, which overlooks the beach with white gravel.


4. Gargano coast, Apulia, Italy

The coast of Gargano is part of the longest coastlines in the mountainous Italy, Gargano Peninsula is a large Promontory juts in the Adriatic Sea. There are dozens of hidden bays that can be accessed only from the sea. By renting a boat, as you can jump from coast to coast. Peschici small town, a good start to explore the beach and hiking in the mountains. If you're still looking for places most isolation, you can take a trip to Tremiti Islands, part of the marine park, which covers an area of 22 miles from the coast of Gargano.

5. Dhermi, Vlora, Albania

Coast campaign to Ionia, Albania. Flora of Saranda, from which you can get on the street with a high 1027 meters. And this trip will be worth it when you reach the Drymades, Ionia hotels have shaped wooden hut, which is located in an olive grove near the sandy beaches along the 5 km. If you want some excitement of exploration, Dhermi village, which is located in the nearby concrete bunker of a restaurant on the beach, a legacy of the communist regime.

Source : Google , almrsal , Asma Saad Eddin

Cheaper tourist country in Europe

 Cheaper tourist country in Europe

    Tourist attractions in the European continent filled with exciting adventure. There are many different cultures that exist in this world of meeting new people, tasting different foods and learn other languages​​. Remains good for European magic. European authorities have attracted the attention of various travelers. Here interfaces cheap tourist in Europe:

1. Rome

     Rome is one of the most visited places in Europe. Unlike Paris or London, the city spent as a vacation spot where the budget is simple amazing. Average hotel rates per night $ 190, and thus the cheapest places in other major tourist destinations in Italy. Rome is characterized as an international center of the intersection, where you can fly to Rome as the cheapest cities of Italy.

2. Prague

     Prague is one of the European destinations economic. According to the site TripAdvisor, Prague occupies the center of the 20 most visited cities in the world and fifth in Europe. The average price of accommodation per night, according to TripAdvisor travelers about 248 USD for two people.

3. Dublin

     Very easy to find a cheap hotel in Dublin. Average house prices for two in the hotel's extensive breakfast with prices starting at 75 euros per person (about 94 dollars). The New York Times mentions site for hotels, as the best price around $ 150 per night. In addition, by the Dublin tourist attractions amazing and affordable, including the National Museum of Ireland, National Botanic Gardens, and the Irish Museum of Modern Art. At Ashford Castle, visitors can throw a peek at the past Irish rich.

4. Warsaw

     You can save money in the cities of Eastern Europe, Western Europe. All cities in Eastern Europe, such as Warsaw is a haven for tourists and especially what to look for luxury accommodation at cheap prices. According to the Hotel Price Index from, the capital of Poland luxurious hotel offers the lowest price in the world. The average price of a five-star hotel in Warsaw, about 130 USD per night in 2011.

     There are other hotels that offer cheaper rates, although the room service equivalent to five-star. For example, the price of Palace Hotel Bologna at the weekend about 65 € per night. In fact Bologna luxurious hotel built in the early 20th century and is the only hotel in Warsaw that survived the Second World War.


5. Lisbon

     Portugal by many places cheaply from its neighbor Spain. Capital Lisbon, for example, offers the charm of other European countries, from: the beautiful scenery of the world's oceans and beaches, cobblestone streets and ancient Gothic cathedral. According to TripAdvisor travelers, the average cost of staying one night in a four star hotel about 130 USD. Submitted reports the New York Times for many of the cultural attractions that offer free on Sunday, including the Museum Museu Nacional de Torre de Belem and Arqueologia, the historic fort.

Source : Google , almrsal , Asma Saad Eddin

Best tourist cities in Australia

Best tourist cities in Australia

    Australia is a major tourist country in the world, due to the nature of the picturesque and contain Great Barrier Reef, which is one of the largest coral reef in the world, in addition to the enjoyment of beaches and bays and valleys of great beauty, as characterized by a climate of Australia a moderate throughout the year, making it the country with a tourist attraction , and is characterized by a lot of cities and tourist areas, magnificent architectural buildings that recall the best in this article to be a reference, perhaps you when you travel.

Best tourist cities in Australia

1. Sydney : 

     Is the largest city in Australia, founded by Arthur Phillip in 1788, a cultural and economic center and trade in Australia and is considered the most important cities, with a population of about 4.57 million people, is one of the best tourist cities in the world where I got the title of the best city tourist two consecutive years, where it enjoys a pleasant climate you do not find only in this charming city, and the famous Sydney several landmarks worth visiting the most important opera house, which is characterized by architectural design attractive overlooking Sydney Harbour is noteworthy that this edifice World receives over two million visitors a year come to see the most beautiful plays concerts, one of the greatest landmarks also the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which he gets millions of visitors from all countries to visit, and the city has many luxury hotels and trendy designs architectural buildings varied between is the upcoming and modernity, as well as to contain beautifully landscaped and national parks and bays and rivers attract each visit . Sydney is characterized by its temperate climate and warm all year round.

2. Melbourne :

  the second largest city in Australia and is the capital of the state of Victoria, nicknamed the city of gardens or green city to the large gardens and spaces green, featuring many of the attractions most important of the Royal Botanic Gardens, which includes many plants unique in Australia, one of the largest city parks, It features tourist also the city of gold, which is characterized by authenticity, where each Matgda in this city on the old-fashioned in terms of architectural buildings and means of movement, and there are market King Victoria that find him whatever they want gifts, clothes and food, in addition to the Walk Bourke Street attractor which is characterized by the presence of musicians who play all the time in addition to the walkway you will find shops and malls to buy souvenirs beautiful.


3 Brisbane : 

the largest city in the state of Queensland in terms of population, was founded in 1824, is characterized by the city in style architectural upscale and streets clean and beautiful and Mqahia and markets, and the most prominent landmarks Zoo Brisbane, which includes various species of rare animals, in addition to the mind of places cultural attractions to contain the Gallery of Modern Art and the Queensland art gallery, which includes famous works Australians and international artists, and the city has many islands coastal sand which is characterized by calm and beauty of nature.


4. Port Douglas : 

 is the arrival gate to the city of Daintree and is considered one of the most important tourist cities in Australia, where it enjoys the treasures of immense natural such as rainforests and coral reefs, which are characterized by a variety of types and distinct from fish and marine animals, which is the largest coral reef in the world where they consists of 2800 coral Reef.


5. Hobart :

  the largest city in Tasmania and commercial center and administrative, founded in 1803, is characterized by the port of Hobart's private cruises to Antarctica, enjoying Hobart scenic attract each visit, in addition to containing Hotels-style modern architecture is characterized by the highest degree of quality in services to residents.


6. Cessnock : 

one of the oldest areas in the world, from Ajmal tourist areas which are characterized by the nature of the attractive and charming where the vineyards in the valley Hatther, and includes many high-end restaurants, parks and resorts, health, and health is known for its courts golf of a global nature.


7 Airlie Beach :

  The city is located on the Port-shot Harbor, and is characterized by its nature the Great Barrier Reef, one of the most important places of tourist attractions, and the city has many clubs and casinos in addition to the artificial lake, which is a milestone in the city and frequented by many tourists.


8 Byron Bay :  

Byron Bay is located in the state of New South Wales and is characterized by beaches full of Lighthouses and also features the presence of dolphins, whales and sea turtles as well as to give the traditional character of the area, and is characterized by the establishment of the Gulf a lot of events and famous festivals.


9 Canberra : 

is the capital of Australia and is located between the cities of Sydney and Melbourne, featuring the city's inherently green surrounded by all sides, and the abundance of national parks by the private garden Prendabila national which is one of the most beautiful national parks in Australia, and includes many of the museums and art galleries, theaters, and also features design unique architectural and geometric shapes brilliant in construction, and the most important tourist sites worth visiting in Canberra national Library and the National Gallery and Lake Burley Qrevi and Montenegro and Tower Telstra, as there are many markets and commercial centers that are worth a visit, such as the center of Canberra.


10 Darwin : 

 situated on the Timor Sea is the capital of the Northern Territory in Australia, featuring the city's abundant sports out because of its geographical location, where is famous for the sport of basketball, cricket, rugby practiced in the complex Marara for sports, and also famous for its race cars, which is held in Hayden Valley, in addition to that it is famous for its marine sports and fishing, and assesses the city a lot of events and festivals, the most important festival was Bear Regatta.

 Source : Google, almrsal, Nadia Radi

Niagara Falls in Canada

The most beautiful waterfall in the world .. Niagara Falls in Canada

 Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is very large on the Niagara River and is located between the city of Niagara in upstate New York and the American city of Niagara in the Canadian province of Ontario
The waterfall of the most powerful waterfalls rush north America and waterfalls are used to generate electricity in the main tourist attractions and is considered a tourist attraction excellent economic
It was the discovery of the American side of the waterfall one of the Indians, who erected a statue of him next to the waterfalls on the one hand the American side

Source : Google , almrsal

Lombok island

 Lombok island

Lombok is an island in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), in Indonesia. Which forms part of a series of Lesser Sunda Islands, with the Lombok Strait, who was separated from Bali to the west with Strait between it and Sumbawa to the east. The width of the island, about 70 km and a total area of approximately 4,725 square kilometers (1,825 sq mi). The provincial capital, is the largest city on the island Mataram. Almhabha and to some extent in terms of the size and density of the neighboring Bali and shares some cultural heritage, and is surrounded by a number of small islands which are called locally as jelly.

Lombok is the most popular destination in Nusa Tenggara, with the fabled Gili Islands, which attracts visitors, whether for business or for hiking, with large spacers on the southern coast. Matram is the capital of Lombok, a privileged place for a good spot for day trips to surrounding areas, and is placed Senggigi to stretch along the sweeping bays.

Lombok island extends about 80 km from east to west, with landscapes and lush greenery all parts of chronic dry. By dry places, especially in the south and east, which can last for several months, resulting in the corruption of crops and famine.

Rice is an important crop, although at least the proceeds from the neighboring islands. Tobacco, coconut, coffee, cotton and kapok crops important and useful, while the cloves, vanilla, pineapple and pepper crops were introduced to the useful.

Sasak are the indigenous population who attained about 90% of the population, are Muslims and they have a unique culture and language of Allombuc. A minority useful for large Hindu island of Bali.

Lombok is one of the beautiful islands in Indonesia, which lies to the east of Bali, and can be reached by ferry from Bali that come to this island. Name the capital of the island of Lombok is Mata ram, -walta is divided into four sections. Such as the west and the north and east, central and southern Lombok.

Lombok island by some of the things and benefits very interesting similarities in the big Linha and between international tourist island of Bali. Bali island famous Buddhist teachings, but the island of Lombok is famous for the teachings of Islam. You can see the waterfall orange wonderful, useful is a very beautiful place, which all contain a small waterfall with clear water and useful cool air sweet.

Because tourism is the main objective of Lombok in Indonesia after Bali, of course. There are many sites very interesting to visit its beautiful beaches, as well as crafts for pearl jewelry. Crafts and pearl jewelry on the island of Lombok is always crowded for lovers of Perl, harvested Lombok is more competitive than other regions, in addition to hand-craft pearls, gold and silver. Beach Lombok Eetmtaa pink beaches and pink sand beaches. Pink beach is located in a small village of the Middle Sekaroh Jerowaru Lombok regency.

List islands :

Lombok is surrounded by many islands, including:
Northwest: Gili Islands (North Lombok Regency)
Gili Trawangan
Gili Meno
Gili Air

South West (Peninsula Sekotong, West Lombok Regency)
Geely Nanggu
Gili Sudak
Geely Hong Tang
Gili Poh
Gili Genting
Geely Lontar
Gili Layar
Geely Amben
Gili Gede
Geely Anyaran
Gili Layar
Gili Asahan

Southern coast (West Lombok Regency)
Gili Solet
Gili Sarang Burung
Geely Kawu
Geely Puyuh
Geely Nanggu
Gili Trawangan

South East (East Lombok Regency)
Gili Indah
Geely Merengke
Geely Belek

North East (East Lombok Regency)
Gili Lawang
Geely Sulat
Geely Pentangan
Geely Bidara (Pasaran)
Geely Lampu
Geely Bo Yu
Geely Sulat
Nambung Beach
The cost of East Nusa Tenggara
Geely Puyuh
Geely Sulat

Tourism is an important source of income in Lombok. The most developed tourist area on the island on the west coast of the island, which is focused around the town of Senggigi. Immediately surrounding the town of the most sophisticated tourist facilities. Spreads west coast coastal tourism sector along the 30 km after the coastal road north from Mataram and the old airport in Ampenan. The main tourist area extends to Tanjung in the northwest at the foot of Mount Rinjani and includes Moly semiconductor Gili Islands with great popularity. There are many hotels and resorts that provide housing various different budget, with a fast boat with direct services to Bali and the Gili Islands.

Source : Google , almrsal , Asma Saad Eddin
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